#!/usr/bin/env ruby # This is an automatically generated script to run your query # to use it you will require the intermine ruby client. # To install the client, run the following command from a terminal: # # sudo gem install intermine # # For further documentation you can visit: # http://intermine.org/docs/ruby-docs/ # and: http://intermine.org/docs/ruby-bio-docs/ # # The following two lines will be needed in every script: require "rubygems" require "intermine/service" service = Service.new("https://phytozome-next.jgi.doe.gov/phytomine") # Get a new query from the service you will be querying: service.new_query("OntologyTerm"). select(["dataSets.name", "dataSets.url"]). # You can edit the constraint values below where("OntologyTerm.id" => "1829128310"). limit(10). each_row { |r| puts r}