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List Analysis for A.thaliana Flower (0 Genes)

Date Created: 1494377275624

Cufflinks Gene Expression

The plotted values and are log2 of the recorded FPKM. FPKM values exactly 0 are thresholded to -10 in this plot.
Heatmap visualization powered by canvasXpress, learn more about the display options.

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FPKM Expression Clustering - Hierarchical: and K-means:

More Information

FPKM values derived from a cufflinks analysis of aligned RNA-seq data.
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The problem may be temporary in which case you might wish to go back and try your request again or you might want to go to the home page. MRNA.cufflinksscores.experiment.experimentGroup MRNA.cufflinksscores.abundance MRNA.cufflinksscores.conflo MRNA.cufflinksscores.confhi" sortOrder="MRNA.primaryIdentifier asc" constraintLogic="A and B">'+ ''+featureConstraint+''+ ''+conditionConstraint+''; var encodedQuery = encodeURIComponent(query); encodedQuery = encodedQuery.replace("%20", "+");"/phytomine/" + encodedQuery + "&method=xml"); } else { alert("Unexpected expression type: gene"); } }}); // cluster on gene/mrnas if (feature_count > max_cluster) { jQuery("#fpkmHierarchical").attr('disabled', true); } if (organism_count > 1) { jQuery("#fpkmHierarchical").attr('disabled', true); } // cluster on gene/mrnas if (feature_count > max_cluster) { jQuery("#fpkmHierarchical").attr('disabled', true); } if (organism_count > 1) { jQuery("#fpkmHierarchical").attr('disabled', true); } if (experiment_count > 3 && experiment_count <= max_cluster) { fpkmHeatMap.clusterSamples(); fpkmHeatMap.kmeansSamples(); for (var i=4; i < experiment_count; ++i) { jQuery('#fpkmKMeans'). append(jQuery(""). attr("value",i). text(i)); } } else { jQuery("#fpkmKMeans").attr('disabled', true); } // cluster on conditions if (experiment_count <= max_cluster) { fpkmHeatMap.clusterVariables(); // clustering method will call draw action within it. fpkmHeatMap.draw(); } // cx_cellline.kmeansVariables(); // fpkmHeatMap.draw(); jQuery('#fpkmHierarchical').change(function() { fpkmHeatMap.linkage = this.value; if (feature_count >= 3) { fpkmHeatMap.clusterSamples(); } fpkmHeatMap.clusterVariables(); fpkmHeatMap.draw(); }); jQuery('#fpkmKMeans').change(function() { fpkmHeatMap.kmeansClusters = parseInt(this.value); fpkmHeatMap.kmeansSamples(); // fpkmHeatMapcl.kmeansVariables(); fpkmHeatMap.draw(); }); // the correlation map // but remove things with zero variance var parsedJSON = JSON.parse('{}') var newFPKM = []; var newVars = []; for ( i=0; i <; i++) { var fpkm =[i]; var vars = parsedJSON.y.vars[i]; var sum1 = 0; var sum2 = 0; for( j=0; j 1e-4) { newFPKM.push(fpkm); newVars.push(vars); } } var newJSON = new Object(); newJSON.y = new Object(); = newFPKM; newJSON.y.vars = newVars; newJSON.y.smps = parsedJSON.y.smps; newJSON.y.desc = parsedJSON.y.desc; var correlationHeatMap = new CanvasXpress('canvas_corr', newJSON, {'graphType': 'Correlation', 'correlationAxis' : "variables", 'gradient': true} ); }

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